
Privacy Policy

Thank you for your interest in Miyori (the “Bot”, “Game”, "Service", “Website”), developed by the Miyori team ("we", "us", “our”). To keep the game functional and provide the best possible experience, we collect some necessary data from Discord users (the "User", "you", "they", "their") who have interacted with the game, as well as the respective Discord guilds (the "Server(s)") that Miyori has been added to.

This Privacy Policy was designed to publicly outline our policies regarding the data we collect via our bot, website, or any other software we have developed (collectively, our "Service(s)").

Data We Collect

To deliver the best experience to both Discord and our players, we collect the following data:

We do not sell or share any collected data with any third parties.

If you have any privacy-related requests or concerns, such as a data removal request, please contact our support staff via email at [email protected]

Terms of Use

Miyori is a free-to-play Discord card collection game based on anime, cartoons, video-games, etc.

The services and information provided by Miyori are for entertainment and informational purposes only. You agree that you will only use Miyori, or data/information provided by it, for its intended purposes.

By accessing Miyori, you are bound by Discord’s Terms of Service. Users who are not compliant with Discord’s Terms of Service are therefore not compliant with Miyori’s Terms of Use.

There is no guarantee of access to our game services. Access to our game services is provided to users who have not had their access revoked. We may revoke a user's access to our game services (either in full or partially) at any time, for any reason.

Refund Policy

All purchases are non-refundable. When accessing the game, users may have the option to purchase our virtual game items (“Lunarium”). By initiating a purchase, users agree that refunds will not be granted for purchased game items.

By initiating a purchase, users agree that their access to our game items (including but not limited to game items associated with the user's Discord account) is never guaranteed, and access may be revoked at any time, for any reason.

Users who initiate a refund, chargeback, or other payment reversal process with the associated payment processor relating to any completed purchase of our game items may be restricted from further access to our game services.

Users who have had their access to our services revoked will not have access to our game items (which includes, but is not limited to, any game items that have been associated with their Discord account).

Database Legislation

The content of Miyori's database can't be reused without explicit permission for any kind of media different from personal use.

It falls under the legislation applied to database compilations.

Miyori is an original database, which means the compilation of its content belongs to service.

However, taken individually, characters and series belong to their respective creators and is not directly affiliated with us.

This is explicitly a fan-made project.